Kanye West has been on a roll via his twitter account, the rapper calls out almost everyone on his Twitter, from his wife Kim to his mother In-law Kris, he even calls out Anna Wintour, he twitted 'drake' with out revealing more, he also twitted a picture where he googled Jennifer Lawrence and some fans think he's having a mental breakdown, while other fans think he's just expressing himself.

“I almost killed my daughter…My girlfriend called me screaming, crying. I’m a rapper. And she said I’m pregnant. She was crying,” he explained, noting that he was in Paris at the time. “Even if my wife were to divorce me after this speech, she brought North into this world, when I did not want to,” he said in his Presidential campaign.

In one tweet, he wrote "I put my life on my God that Norths mom would never photograph her doing playboy and that's on God   I'm at the ranch ... come and get me."  In another tweet where he revealed , 
"Kim was trying to fly to Wyoming with a doctor to lock me up like on the movie Get Out because I cried about saving my daughters life yesterday. "

View tweets below.