On last night's show that aired July 6, Seyi and Tacha try as much as possible to air out the issues they had in the house, although both parties are logistic and unwilling to let go, Seyi finally apologised to Seyi for using Vulgar words on her in the house. 

Ike still hasn't let go of Joe's attitude in the house, says he gets irritated anytime he remembered what Joe's attitude was like in the house.

Tacha said Seyi doesn't really understand the true meaning of friendship, she also said, "I didn't come  into the house to make friends, I came in focused."

Seyi to Tacha: "When you want to play a card with me, if we are friends, I should be able to 0lay the same card with you."
Other housemates chipped in on the Seyi-Tacha issue and Joe said, "Everybody saw Seyi and Tacha as close, but they weren't. They didn't care for each other that much. They were managing each other."
Sir Dee thought that the both of them are egoistic and so can reach common grounds, "Seyi and Tacha are too egoistic. That is why pride is not letting them do the needful," he said. Seyi finally begrudgingly apologised to Tacha for using te word 'Puta' on her in the house.

At a point in the show, Tacha commended Venita for playing down pride, although being a public figure, cam to the show to mingle with others, "I applaud Venita for being a public and came to mingle with upcoming people. Life shouldn't be about pride and ego." Ebuka, the host then asked, "is that a note to self ?".

Ike, "I felt like Joe was feeling like he was too smart in the house." He expressed that Joe always felt like he was smarter than everyone in the house, also he wasn't pleased with the little jabs Joe threw at him (Ike), concerning his relationship with Mercy, he expressed that he never let go of that and he finds it difficult to let go.