Hailey Bieber (Baldwin) In an Interview with Natalie Manuel lee for the Hillsong Channel in March before the lockdown but aired May 15 admitted to Natalie that she always thought that if her and Justin Beiber ever reunited, it will be eventually serious and may even lead to marriage.

Justin and Hailey had a short lived romance in the past, dating from late 2015 to early 2016. They reunited again in 2018, held a court wedding in September 13th, 2019 and a more formal wedding later in September 30th, 2019.

In the interview she said "I think I always knew if we did ever work things out and get back together, it was going to be a situation where it was very serious and we were gonna get married or it was going to lead to that."

She further stated that she didn't really now when they would get back together and it was just really a leap of faith. "I didn't necessarily know what the timeline was gonna be. I just trusted and I think was just a huge leap of faith... and I just trusted the people that I knew had watched me go through the whole journey with him.

"I really was leaning on my parents, like, 'if you think this is a bad idea...' They just absolutely adored him. I think my mom kinda always felt like she knew that he was my person, even when I did not completely think so. We had gotten back together and I had seen how much he had changed and how different he was in terms of his demeanor, the way he was explaining to me what he had been doing with his life and just where he was, at was different than he had ever been. Cause I've known him for a really, really long time and I just knew. I don't know, it's hard to explain,  I was just like, Alright, this is it!."

The interviewer asked her if there was any "a-ha!" Moment where she really felt that she and Her husband Justin Bieber were really meant to be, she replied "When we were not together, people who were like friends of both of ours kept telling me 'man, he's doing so good. He's doing so well. He's really putting in the work on himself'and I was like 'okay like sure, whatever that means' And then we started hanging out again and we started talking. I don't know now if there was a moment where it hit me and I was like 'ok, this is it's. I just think I always hoped that he was a person I was gonna end up with.

"So when we got together, it was just, like, 'OK, trust that this is supposed to be happening."