Eritrea a Country Northeast Africa on the Red Sea coast, sharing borders with Ethiopia, Sudan and Djibouti have officially declared their country free from the novel coronavirus which still has no vaccine and has recorded no deaths in the country.

The country recorded 39 cases since the virus broke out, the last patient with the COVID-19 was released today, this was made known by the Country's Information minister, Yemane G. Meskel.

The information minister took to twitter to make the announcement. He tweeted "#Eritrea: Announcement from Ministry of health.

"*Last patient has fully recovered fully after tests at National Laboratory & was released from hospital today;"

"*This important milestone means all 39 confirmed cases in the country to-date have recovered fully."

He also encouraged citizens to continue to adhere GOE guidelines until the spread of the pandemic is fully gauged. "Still, as underlined last week, this important milestone should not induce complacency at this point in time. It is vital that all citizens continue to fully adhere to GOE Guidelines in force until ongoing comprehensive assessment to gauge spread of pandemic is fully accomplished."