Justin Bieber has revealed he has Ramsay Hunt Syndrome which stops him from performing in upcoming shows

Justin Bieber has said that he has had to postpone his forthcoming tour dates due to illness. 

The musician described the ailment that has kept him from performing on stage in a lengthy Instagram video. 

Justin Bieber explained in the video that he has Ramsay Hunt Syndrome, which is caused by a virus attacking the nerves in his ear. 

In the video, Bieber demonstrates how the condition affects one side of his face, preventing him from blinking, moving his nostril, or smiling; he is completely paralyzed on one side of his face. 

Justin acknowledged his disappointment at not being able to perform on his upcoming shows, but said that he is medically unable to do so and that his body requires rest. 

Bieber also disclosed that he's doing facial exercises to help him feel better, and that he "will feel better," though he doesn't know how long it will take. He does, however, have hope and trust in God.

Watch full video below.