Sabinus is reportedly suing peak and Gala for using his intellectual property without consent

Mr. Funny, popularly known as Sabinus a prominent comedian and skit maker, is threatening to sue popular milk producers Peak and Gala. 

Sabinus who’s popularly known in his comedy skits for using the phrase “something hooge,” and his popular signature pose is suing both Peak and Gala corporations for using his intellectual property with out his consent.

The two corporations had used the comedian's intellectual property in advertisements for their products without informing him or obtaining his permission.

Sabinus legal team stated that the Gala company used his animated graphic to market their products and Peak, his line "something hooge," to develop advertisements to promote their products without contacting him or asking for his consent. 

Images of Gala and peak company using Sabinus picture trademark for advertisement

Peak Company has been sued for 1 billion naira, while Gala Company has been sued for 100 million naira.