Korra Odibi accuse ex-husband of stealing $5000 dollars from her

Korra Obidi said in a Facebook live broadcast on Saturday that she deposited the money into their joint account by accident, which Dean promptly emptied. 

Korra claimed that she no longer shares the account with her husband, but that she accidentally deposited $5000 to the joint account for rent and other bills. She had no idea her PayPal account was still tied to that account, and her spouse quickly cleared it, which she described as "daylight robbery" because they are separated.

Obidi expressed her displeasure with the development, saying she could no longer remain mute about concerns in her marriage. 

She said: “The reason I have been silent over the marriage was that the internet never forgets. I did not want to speak about my divorce in public, it was a decision I made, knowing that the internet never forgets and considering that I’m putting my children first.

Obidi complained that she had a lot of bills to pay, including a $21,000 payment for their divorce lawyer, claiming Dean was not responsible for any of the expenditures. 

She stated that she was prepared to battle everything with her last drop of blood. 

“He must return the money tomorrow or I would come out with all evidences, including all the abuses I have faced,” she added. 

Dean has subsequently filed for divorce from the singer, which is currently being processed, according to Korra in the Facebook live video.