Cristiano Ronaldo posts photos of new born baby girl

Following the heartbreaking death of her twin brother, Cristiano Ronaldo has posted the first photo of his newborn daughter. 

The Manchester United player, 37, shared a photo with his partner, Georgina Rodriguez, 28, and all five of his children on Instagram. 

He then expressed his gratitude to everyone who expressed their condolences following the death of his newborn son on Monday, April 18. 

He wrote: "Home sweet home. Gio and our baby girl are finally together with us. We want to thank everyone for all the kind words and gestures. 

"Your support is very important and we all felt the love and respect that you have for our family. Now it’s time to be grateful for the life that we’ve just welcomed into this world." 

Cristiano Ronaldo, his fiancée and children

Following the death of his new born son, the footballer was granted compassionate leave by his club, Manchester United. 

On Tuesday, the club confirmed that Ronaldo would miss their Premier League match against Liverpool, when both sets of fans applauded for a minute in the seventh minute to show their support.