Paulo Fonseca, the Portuguese football manager, has disclosed that he, his wife, and son are stranded in Ukraine after their last-ditch attempt to flee war-torn Kiev failed with their morning flight being canceled.

Fonseca is married to Ukrainian Katerina Ostroushko and they have a son together. He previously managed Roma in Italy.

Fonseca had planned to leave Kiev on a 10 a.m. flight, only to find that all commercial flights had been halted due to rising political tensions in Ukraine.

Following missile attacks, airports are damaged, roads are clogged with Ukrainians attempting to flee to Poland, and Fonseca is holed up in a Kiev hotel on what he has dubbed the 'worst day of his life.'

He told Jornal de Noticias, "I woke up around 5 a.m. with five explosions in a row."

'I had a flight scheduled for today, but now it is impossible to leave here, not least because the airports are already destroyed and the airspace has been closed. This is the worst day of my life. Now it's time to wait and be lucky. And pray that a bomb doesn't fall on us.'

After Putin gave the go-ahead for an early morning invasion on Thursday, official data indicated 40 Ukrainian troops were killed in early skirmishes, with 'dozens' injured.

With aircraft halted and Russia's assault on the country from the south, east, and north making a land escape extremely dangerous, Fonseca said that he didn't know how to get out.

'Worst morning ever,' his wife Katerina posted on Instagram, with a photo of the couple's son. Pain. Anger, anger, anger, and pain. ' My little son didn't deserve the war. The children of Ukraine did not deserve the war.'