Hushpuppi has been reportedly denied bail in the United States as told by a Judge on Monday in Chicago. Hushpuppi will remain detained until his trial later this year over money laundering allegations. His lawyer Gal Pissetzky, however insisted that his job as an Instagram celebrity paid for the $10,000 monthly rent on his luxury Dubai flat.

His lawyers had applied for him to leave jail, to leave with an alleged girlfriend's uncle in Illinois with an electronic tag, but US prosecutors opposed the bail application. UAE's The National reported that prosecutors said he could commit crimes with just a smartphone and an internet connection, and that he posed too much of a flight risk.

The prosecutors argued that Abbas aka Hushpuppi never visited the girlfriend or their child in the United states and there was no evidence that he ever met the Uncle in the states.

Reacting to prosecutors' argument, Pissetzky explained that his wouldn't attempt to escape, as he had too much to lose if he flees from the United States. 

Given reasons that;

“He is loved and respected. He is a celebrity. 

“I don’t see the reason why he would want to ruin his credibility in the world and his status rather than stay here and face this allegation, Pizzetsky said.

“Anywhere he goes, people will know. Having grown up very poor in Nigeria, Mr Abbas is now paid to pose with high-priced items such as Louis Vuitton bags that people would buy after seeing his posts on Instagram. 

“He is an influencer. That’s a job today, as much as it is hard to imagine. That’s a full-time job.”