The death of George Floyd has sparked protests across the world, crying out for racial justice, #BlackLivesMatter has trended for a week now (BLACK LIVES DO MATTER), Celebrities have donated to the course and have spoken out.

Justin Bieber shared a message yesterday on his Instagram and Twitter saying;

"I am inspired by black Culture.

I have benefited off of black culture.

my style, how I sing, dance, perform, and my fashion have all been influenced and inspired by black culture.

I am committed to using my platform from this day forward, to learn, to speak up about racial injustice and systematic oppression, and to identify ways to be a part of this much needed change."

Justin Bieber has used his social platform since the death of George Floyd to campaign against racial injustice, in one post he wrote "it is not enenou to be quietly Non-racist, Now is the time to be vocally Anti-racist. 

In another post, "All lives do not maer until black lives matter."

Justin also demanded justice for Breonna Taylor's murder, and suggests ways in which his followers can help bring about Justice for Breonna.