Hello Readers,

Her name is Mary Anna Rairom, she is a mother of three (3). She's seeking for everyone's help. I know it's a difficult time for everyone, but please your kindness to her and her 3 children will go a long way in healing her distress. Her Medical report will be posted below, She is a Sickle cell patient, and this sickness has taken almost everything from her and almost rendering her Incapacutated. Please she needs help to take care of her medical bills and to help take of her children. 

Musa Anna Rairom is a Sickle cell patient and also an asthmatic. Basically, she lives on drugs. She is also a widow with 3 children and her crisis is too frequent.

Her Account details is:

Account Number: 0790507785

Bank Name: Access Bank

Account Name: Musa Anna Rairom.

GOD BLESS YOU IMMENSELY. Thank you as you help her and her family. 

Watch her Video below: