Jack Dorsey donates $3million to Colin Kaepernick's 'Know your rights camp'.

The Know your rights camp is an organisation established by former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick dedicated to empowering people of Colour. Colin's career ended as a result of him taking a knee during the National anthem to protest against the racial injustice and police brutality against black people.

Jack Dorsey said he is donating "$3mm to Colin @Kaepernick7’s @yourrightscamp to advance the liberation and well-being of Black and Brown communities through education, self-empowerment, mass-mobilization to elevate the next generation of change leaders."

He also announced several other donations, including $5 million to World Central Kitchen to support the Restaurants for the People Program in Oakland, California; $1 million to DigDeep, dedicated to providing hot and cold running water to members of the Navajo Nation; and $500,000 to SisterHearts, a thrift store in Louisiana that gives ex-offenders "a safe environment to achieve their goals with dignity."