Derek Chauvin, the officer who was seen kneeling on George Floyd's neck till he died has been arrested and charged with third degree murder and the other 3 officers involved are still undergoing investigations and are yet to be charged.

The news came through Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman. Minnesota public Safety commissioner John Harrington said "that's less than four days." He also added that it is  "extraordinary. We have charged a case in that time frame."

Hennepin County Medical Examiner said "no physical finding that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation", after an autopsy was conducted on May 26, alleging that underlying health conditions might have contributed to his death Washingtonpost reports.

George Floyd's last words before he died were "I can't breathe." Derek Chauvin was said to have allegedly put his neck on George Floyd for more than nine minutes.