Jude had finally addressed the Jabs thrown at him by former record Label artist Cynthia Morgan, he shared his own side of the story in an Instagram live session with Tunde Ednut. 

Many celebrities have given their two Cents on the matter, some backed Cynthia Morgan and bashed the record label in which she was signed to, while some asked that fans should not be quick to jump into conclusions as they haven't heard from the other party, the other party being Jude Okoye.

Jude however explained on his own angle what really transpired between he and former record label artist, his explanation however wasn't anything like Cynthia explained. Cynthia said she lost her royalties, the right to use the name "Cynthia Morgan" due to the contract she signed, Read more here. Jude has since refuted her claims, he had this to say;

"I don’t understand, if she has a contract where it is stated like that, she should bring it so we can see. The one I have here is not different.
How can I hold her name, which court can grant it?

You want to do things on your own because you think you can do things on your own, then you failed and you want to put the blame on me.

Two years after you left the label, your social media accounts are still yours, you are still going on shows behind me and you still want to blame me for your failure. If you put the blame on me, would that make you rise again?

I have never for once told CYNTHIA MORGAN that she cannot use her name. I had no power to take that name, it is physically impossible to do that. “Did I chase her with a court injunction? No.

What exactly did I do wrong? I shouldn’t have let you go when I left? Your contract hasn’t expired and you left. I let you go.

Before she left, she wanted to change her name to Madrina says it means ‘Godmother. I advised against.

I shot 13 videos, each worth N3M. If I have not made my N40 M, why the f**k should I allow you go? How will I get back my money?"