Amber Heard, Johnny Depp's abuser, has reportedly been fired from Aquaman 2 following the release of voice notes revealing that she was the abusive one in her and Johnny's relationship. Amber was heard admitting to striking, mocking, and taunting him in the voice note. 
The voice notes were agreed to be released by Johnny Depp and the Daily Mail UK. The allegations first surfaced in 2016, just as the #metoo movement was gaining traction in Hollywood. It was during this time that Amber Heard came forward with the abuse allegations, giving Johnny Depp a bad rep and causing him to lose some of his biggest roles.

Amber Heard has been removed as a spokesperson for l'oreal Paris and allegedly from Aquaman 2 and two other Hollywood films since the voice note was released. Although Aquaman 2 has not officially confirmed the news, all indications point to the fact that the lawsuit against Amber Heard has not been dismissed because Johnny Depp has a strong case, so industries would not want to associate with her.